Wednesday, 30 December 2015


How time flies....
So soon(or so it seems)  the year has come to an end. Just like every journey, there have been ups and downs, and different stops along the way. The year could be viewed as a long road trip, where there have and often will be :
Characteristic of some of our roads, we most of the time do not get to wherever we are going without falling into at least one or two potholes, some huge, some small. What potholes did we fall into along the way? Just as cars do not stay in potholes for long, so can we also get back up no matter the mistake. The journey to greatness is more often than not a bumpy ride. Our strength arises from how well we deal with whatever shocks come from the fall.
It is always interesting for me when I see a driver try his utmost best to 'dodge' a pothole. Some end up even getting into others' lanes. Nevertheless, the pothole is avoided. We can also sometimes learn from others experiences and avoid making some mistakes as well. Experience is not always the best teacher. Sometimes it is much safer to keep our eyes open and learn from others.

Imagine a hot red sports car zooming by whilst you are in traffic. The car catches everyone's attention because of its speed and sound. The driver seems to be on a roll!.. Until the speed rump appears. The driver definitely has to slow down, at least if he wants to avoid damaging his car.
Sometimes, we just need to slow down. The road may not necessarily create much room for breaks, so we have to create those breaks ourselves if we do not want to break down. Slowing down has a way of helping us refuel and continue our journey. If you have noticed, when someone who was so good at his job falls sick or dies, he  or she is usually replaced in no time. Our lives are important and we must not kill ourselves over jobs and occupations that have a quick way of replacing us when we are gone. We need to take time, rest and appreciate those speed rumps.

We are almost at our destination... Then this big river appears. The only way we can cross it is if there is a bridge in place. A solid one at that.
At times, people seem far away from us either by physical distance or some emotional distance we may have created ourselves. Even as the year draws to a close, how many bridges have we built to reach out to others? Unlike the physical bridges, we do not need too many materials in building our bridges. It could be just a phone call, or an "I am sorry", or even just a last minute visit to the person you've procrastinated  on visiting for a while.
Maintenance culture is really important not just for our country, but for our own lives. It is not too late to repair any damaged bridges in our lives.

No doubt, these booths have a way of creating a little traffic wherever they are situated. Nevertheless, they are important as the dues we pay go into the maintenance of our roads (hopefully).
We also need to stop and pay our due. This year, who has really contributed to your life? Who needs to be appreciated? A "thank you for everything" will definitely go a long way to make someone smile and feel special.

CHANGING THE STATUS QUO with you has been a great ride so far with the necessary stops. Thank you for being with me through the POTHOLES and SPEED RUMPS. For all those with whom I have built BRIDGES  throughout the year, I just want to stop at the TOLL BOOTH and pay my due :THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING. This blog would definitely have not been the same without you.
Whether you make new year resolutions or not, 2016 is going to be full of great opportunities. I know with people like you, we can only move forward to CHANGE THE STATUS QUO.
OUR GHANA is much more beautiful with people like you who aspire to BUILD THAT DREAM, whether we are BLACK, WHITE OR GREY. We can now confidently answer the question: "WHERE IS THE POWER?", since we are EXTRAORDINARY PEOPLE with BLESSED MEMORIES. Surely, if we have THE RIGHT HEART, we will certainly make it TO THE FINISH LINE, if only we VACATE THE COMFORT ZONE to DEFY THE ODDS. LET'S continue to DRIVE together. We may see MASQUERADERS along the way, but they make THE JOURNEY even more colourful.
Believe in who you are.
Don't forget to give thanks to our number one STATUS QUO CHANGER, GOD.

Friday, 18 December 2015


That was about the only thing I dreaded when the Christmas season came around... The sound of whistles accompanied with the rhythmic chant "Masquerader!  Masquerader!"  As a child, I really wondered what this scary looking mask had to do with Christmas. The only thing it seemed to succeed in doing was making a little girl run and hide behind her parents or any corner close by.

As I grew up, "Masquerader"  became less and less intimidating to me. The knowledge that often comes with growing up made me realise that the masqueraders were actually human beings hiding behind some colorful costume to entertain and also make a little cash. My apprehension towards them eventually vanished. They actually became more of a hilarious sight to me.

Seeing a few of them recently in traffic brought some memories to mind as well as one or two lessons.

Memories. They were important then and are important now. No matter how life may have turned out, almost everyone's childhood is characterised by one good memory or another. Growing up may have made those pictures fade, but it's great to pick those pictures up once in a while. Memories bring another word to mind :FAMILIARITY. Just like I became familiar with the once scary masqueraders.
Over time, I've wondered whether familiarity is really a good thing or a bad thing. No doubt, when I'm familiar with someone, I know what they like and don't like, so I know the right way to relate with them....but on the flipside,  familiarity has a way of making us take people for granted unconsciously, either because we have known the person for a long time or because we expect the person to know that we love them and we also expect them to always be around. Familiarity needs a great balance between knowing and making the effort to keep things 'fresh and alive'.  Someone said, "Everything is valuable only at two times :Before getting it and after losing it.."  May this saying not be true in our lives. May things be most valuable to us when we have them NOW.

Masqueraders also have a funny way of bringing two other things to mind : "FACING MY FEARS " and." HIDING BEHIND A FACADE. "
AS time goes on, the things we were once so afraid of are not so scary once we get the courage to face them. At times, the only way we can overcome that fear is by facing it head on and nipping the myth around it in the bud. How will you know how much potential you have until you overcome the status quo in that area of your life? The first few tries may be disappointing, but it gets better with time. Until we stand up and face our fears, the whole world will pass us by as we cower in fear towards that seemingly formidable thing.

In  facing our fears, we do not need to lose our identity. Facing our fears by no means implies that we need to impress people, like choosing a "difficult"  course so that people will "respect"  you.  Like the Masquerader, we may sometimes unconsciously hide behind some identity just to 'stand out'  or fit in.  As I was growing, I realised that many people keep up appearances because of the environment they find themselves in. For example, peer pressure could lead to something like: "Everyone is 'rich'... I must show that me too "I have  some".  But why do we need to prove ourselves? If we are truly content, we won't feel the need to compete with others, and even if we do feel that urge, we can overcome it.
In hiding behind the facade, we end up losing who we truly are, and when we finally take the masks off, we do not recognise who we are anymore. It is never too late though. No matter how thick the makeup may be, it can always be wiped off, leaving the same familiar face with which we can start afresh..

I just want to brush over the three lessons my MASQUERADERS have taught me:
-Cherish memories and make familiarity an enjoyable thing.
-Face your fears.. That scary thing isn't as formidable as it initially seems.
-Be yourself. No matter how much you may try to follow the status quo, your self will catch up with you some time.

CHRISTmas is here once again. No doubt, we will see more masqueraders,(even though it seems their numbers have reduced drastically). Let us embrace who we are as Ghanaians and be welcoming to others. Above all, let us not forget the true Reason for the season, JESUS CHRIST!

Saturday, 12 December 2015


I wanted to get my driver's license renewed so made my way towards the only place where that could be done...the Drivers' Vehicle and Licensing Authority (DVLA). Since I was not sure who exactly to go to, I entered one of the offices upon my arrival, contemplating whether to make an enquiry from one of the employees. I stopped short however when I realised the atmosphere I had walked into...One of tempers flying. Some men in apparent irritation, were yelling at the attendants for their poor service, slowness and seeming partiality. Now I was definitely reluctant to walk up to any of the attendants before the men added me to their targets of fury.
I observed, waiting to see how the employees will respond. To my dismay, they responded with equally loud voices and rude tones, unconsciously passing up the opportunity for peace to prevail..It was almost as if they were rather doing the men a favour by rendering service to them.
I hurriedly made enquiries and left the room to start the renewal process. When I got out, the loud blaring of a car horn 'welcomed' me, no doubt an impatient driver who wanted a pedestrian to get out of the way. Again, a harsh response followed..Instead of the pedestrian getting out of the way quietly, he had to have his share of the anger pie before giving way to the already irate driver.

This whole atmosphere brought a question to mind: "Why are Ghanaians so angry these days? "

"A gentle answer quietens anger, but a harsh one stirs it up.." - Proverbs 15:1
Perhaps if the employees had responded softly or kindly to the angry men, the men would not have continued in their tirade. Even if they did continue, the atmosphere would not have been half as tense or unattractive.
Or let us consider the driver and pedestrian..If the pedestrian had quietly gotten out of the way, would the driver have had cause to get even more irritated? Or maybe if the driver had been patient in tooting his horn, the pedestrian would not have seen the need to be rude in the first place.

But is politeness circumstantial? Do we really have to choose who to be polite to and when to be polite? Everyone deserves respect...or at least to be spoken to nicely. Should everyone make a conscious effort to be nice (not fake or hypocritical if I might add) Ghana would be much easier to live in considering the tough conditions we mostly face now. Surely, if no one is looking down on anyone, no one will feel threatened to make a point.

Before I go on though, Ghana is not growing any younger..We need better systems in place place. After I finished the renewal process, I was told the renewal stickers were finished so I should have a piece of paper instead as proof of my renewal and report a few weeks later. I was a bit shocked..Shortage of stickers??

Anyway, I would like us to view Ghana as a vehicle. The most basic parts of a vehicle are at least the tyres, engine, brakes, gears, head and tail lights, windscreen, just to mention a few. What if one or two of the car parts refuse to function? The car will no doubt be in poor shape. So it is with Ghana. If we refuse to do our best or what is required of us, Ghana will eventually grind to a halt.

Of course, no car can move without a driver. At the moment, Ghana's driver is our government. I have come to learn that putting aside partisan views is the oil Ghana's engine needs in order to keep functioning. Instead of murmuring against our leaders, the least we could do is to pray for them, irrespective of the party we belong to. Little by little we will get to our desired destination even though we do need a whole lot of acceleration.

I decided to board the Ghana bus a while back. Care to join?

Friday, 6 November 2015


 After standing for a few minutes at the roadside, I finally got a taxi to head into town. As the taxi driver stopped in front of me to ask of my destination however, I looked twice. I was not sure whether this was a man or woman I was looking at. Though this person had his or her hair cropped so low, he or she had the features of a woman and didn't even bargain as hard as any normal taxi driver would concerning the taxi fare.

In uncertainty, I boarded the taxi. For some reason, my uncertainty led to a little apprehension. As we got closer and closer to my destination however, I was convinced that this was certainly a woman. I decided to observe her closely and learnt quite a few lessons.

In Ghana, the taxi driver job is seen to be a man's job, full of so much hustle and bustle. This woman though, seemed ready to defy all odds. She drove as fast as any taxi driver would and even argued when she had to. Her fashion sense did not fail to catch my eye either...a big shirt and a pair of jeans, no doubt in an effort to make it difficult to identify her gender.
"What will make this woman do this?" I found myself wondering. Her attire just had a way of reminding me that we at times need to forget about our comfort in order to push into the extraordinary. It is not about "What if people laugh at me?" or "Will I be able to do it? " but rather about "How can I use my skills to earn a living? " These days, it is tougher for most people to get a stable job after school. Instead of that being a basis for excuses, it should be a time to test our creativity and our ability to weather storms.

Out of my discomfort (since I am not used to seeing a female taxi driver, I must confess), I missed out on an opportunity to ask questions, to find out what drove this woman. I missed out on a possible new learning experience. But you don't need to make that mistake too. There are always great opportunities to ask questions, to learn more. More often than not, we draw conclusions from afar and end up being very wrong in our opinion.

I was reminded also to never look down on anyone. No doubt, everyone has their struggles to face, and everyone is important in their own way. Every job is important. Without the cobbler, we most probably may have to do away with that otherwise good shoe. Without the electrician, we may end up sleeping in darkness (when there is no 'dumsor' that is.) Without the driver, we may most probably not get to our destination on time...just to mention a few. Everyone deserves to be respected. As it is often said, our fingers are not equal. Ghana may have fingers of different shapes and sizes, but each finger is equally important.

I forgot to add...In my uncertainty when boarding the taxi, I paused to look at the back of the car to see if it had any inscription, like most of our 'trotros' and taxis do. For some reason, the inscription I saw, "THANK U JESUS" helped me to relax a bit.
No doubt, this walk of life is not easy but at the end of the day, we must not forget to give thanks to God. He sustains us, and in the end, everything leads back to Him.

I am proud of Ghana, full of people who dare to be different...people like you and me who can make a difference no matter how bleak things may seem at times.

There are many beautiful lessons to learn out there in our everyday Ghana. Our lives in itself could be a lesson to others.
Defy those odds. People may laugh, but then again people may cheer. You never know till you try.

Friday, 30 October 2015



I decided to go along with my friend on her trip to the salon to get her hair fixed. Since I hadn't been to that salon before, my interest and curiosity were aroused as I was eager to observe what was going on in this new environment. I went down to the salon's shop where they sold different kinds of hair products and all kinds of wigs and weaves you could imagine. In curiosity, I asked one of the shop attendants quite a number of questions about a particular weave. Out of surprise at my seeming lack of knowledge about an area every normal girl should know about, she exclaimed in Twi, "Enti Boatemaa, wote Ghana ha? " meaning "So Boatemaa, are you really living in Ghana? "
As funny as that question was, it brought some interesting lessons to mind I would like to share with you today....

Firstly, I was reminded of the word IGNORANCE.
Even though I may not really be interested in some hairstyles or even how they are done, it does not mean I should not be well informed about them. Since hair issues may not be a topic of much interest to many people, let's link this lesson to our own lives and country. Your lack of interest in an area does not give much basis for not having at least a little insight into it. If Adjoa is interested in Marketing, it does not mean there is no need for her to have a little basic knowledge in Mathematics (in order to be able to calculate her costs) or other subjects (in order to have in - depth conversations with potential customers). This reminds me of the need for our country to have a better educational system. ..a more practical one at that....that blends different disciplines and also does not depend on just one mode of promoting students to the next level of education. We need to read wide and think wide.
Before we blame the educational system for our lack of knowledge however, why don't we take it upon ourselves and make good use of the few resources at our disposal so we can improve and broaden our scope of knowledge?

Not following the crowd is one great lesson I was reminded of from the simple question the lady asked me. Are we afraid to be different? If someone were to comment negatively on your desire to be the difference, to do things the right way, will that douse your fire? We do not always have to fit in. Not every environment or way of life should make us feel comfortable. At times, we need to leave our zone of comfort in order to be who GOD has called us to be. So in Ghana for example, we shouldn't be saying "Everybody is doing it so it's okay...After all what? " Rather, we should be asking ourselves "What can I do to make my Ghana a better place? "

I have learnt that fear often prevents us from venturing outside the box. On more than one occasion, I have been afraid to try something new because I am so used to the normal. Unfortunately however, that kind of thinking could lead me to a point of stagnation when everyone else is moving forward. In trying new things, I am by no means saying that we should compromise on our values. Rather, I am saying we should open up more to embracing newness, like trying that new dish, choosing that course everyone is shying away from or just visiting a group of people to understand what guides their decisions and way of life.

I'd like to leave you with this question..."Enti m'adamfo, wote Ghana ha? " For my friends who couldn't really read the Twi, I'm simply asking.."So my friend, are you really living in Ghana? "
If your answer is yes, then it is time to let Ghana feel your presence. Let your actions and passion count.
Shift out of the normal...the comfort zone...into the extraordinary.

Saturday, 17 October 2015


It is barely three months since you and I decided to CHANGE THE STATUS QUO, and it has been an insightful period as we have learnt so much from each other.

I remember the first day the first post was shared. It was overwhelming to realise just how many people will support you when given the chance. One great lesson I've learnt from this is CONSISTENCY. The first day had many reactions like "I'm so proud of you", "Great piece, keep it up....".etc. Just like when we decide to do something great; something different. You'll more often than not get many people telling you to "Go ahead", "You can do it", "I'm proud of you"...
But what happens when the cheers fade away?

To everything, there is a season. There are times we feel we have everyone behind us, supporting us, and there are other times when we also feel like " Where has everyone gone to? " Regardless of the cheers or support base, we must press on TO THE FINISH LINE.

Not everyone who started with you will want to or even be able to continue with you, let alone walk with you till the end. It is pretty much like soccer. ..Last Premier League season saw Chelsea, a very popular English club having one of their best seasons yet and had many people singing their praises. Well, the story is quite different this season as they are struggling to even make it to the first twelve on the league table. It is in times like these that the true diehard fans shine. Or let us even come home to our own Premier league. Although it may not be much to write home about, our Kotokos, Hearts of Oaks, Liberty Professionals and Real Tamale Uniteds show up and play whenever they have to, whether there are a thousand spectators or just ten.

What this tells me is that regardless of the season, we need to press on. Regardless of the season, our faithfulness and loyalty must stand.

Are we only Ghanaians when the Black Stars win their matches, when oil is found within our territory and when things are just going on smoothly? Or we are also Ghanaians when there are frequent power outages, prices are unstable and things are tough?

We need to get to the finish line with or without the cheers. We also need to cheer our nation, families, friends and whoever finds the courage to CHANGE THE STATUS QUO TO THE FINISH LINE.

OUR GHANA wants to remind us today to come together not just to be BLACK or WHITE, but GREY, as we unite our efforts to BUILD THAT DREAM. But "WHERE IS THE POWER to do that?", you may ask. The power lies in us to build BLESSED MEMORIES and be EXTRAORDINARY PEOPLE, doing everything with THE RIGHT HEART till we reach THE FINISH LINE.

Sunday, 11 October 2015


"Nana, I think I'd like to run for President during next year's election.", Kwasi told his trusted friend.
"Go for it! You have as great a chance as anyone else. ", Nana replied.
"Our culture is to 'play dirty'. What if I get lost in the midst of trying to do the right thing? ", Kwasi asked, looking worried.
Nana replied: "You know the right way. Go that way and be the difference. Should you lose because of that, you are a winner in God's eyes".....

There is a saying that goes.."If God praises, what are men?" And it is a question we need to ask ourselves as well.
Elections are an ordinary part of our lives..We witness them annually in school, and even on the national level during our presidential and parliamentary elections. Today, I just want to ask a few questions that have come to mind even as the season of elections draw closer and closer.

Has there ever been a time when you felt like you would stop at nothing to get what you want? That could be either a good thing or bad thing. Such an attitude could either make us hardworking and determined, or simply ruthless, depending on the path we decide to take in achieving our goals. No matter how we may look on the outside, God sees our hearts, and we will be rewarded accordingly with the fruits of our it for a job well done or a dishonest life led. No matter our desires, we do not need to starve our character while we feed our egos.

One thing I have come to learn is that we often find out one's true character just by observing them. More often than not, the most beautiful people inside out show more than they speak. Unfortunately as Ghanaians, we often 'talk more than act.' We need to be doers whether we are being watched or not. We do not really need to say how"good" or "selfless" we are. Actions, they say, do speak louder than words. To be the best lies in building others up especially with our words. We grow much stronger that way. Even weeds die in their competition for sunlight. Rather than compete and tarnish others' image to our advantage,  we need to work together.

True friends stand out in the toughest situations, just as stars glow in the dark. We really do not need thousands of people to smile at us or pat our back before we believe in ourselves. The one singing your praises could just as well be the one spiting you in his or her heart.  This brings the golden rule "DO UNTO OTHERS AS YOU WOULD HAVE THEM DO UNTO YOU" to mind. Just as we would love to have loyal friends, we should also do our best to be there for others, not being afraid to tell them the truth when they need to hear it.

My final question....
Old habits, they say, die hard. Whatever we cultivate today will be seen in our harvest tomorrow. Great people learn from their mistakes and also sow the right seeds in their present, so they can have a better future. As youth, our decisions today shape our tomorrow.
If Ghana will have godly, humble, transparent and selfless leaders, ready not only to instruct, but also show the way with their lives, it starts now, with us.

So with what heart or motives do you want to bless Ghana and those around you with?...Oops, I just asked another question!

To anyone who wants to stand for a position or just make a difference wherever you are, know that you can do it, but only with THE RIGHT HEART. Ghana is waiting for great people like you!

Sunday, 4 October 2015


I was in school one day, tired from walking quite a distance from my hall when I got a call from an uncle of mine asking me where I was. To my relief, he was also on campus and took time off to come and pick me up from where I was to where I needed to go. His act of kindness saved me a lot of time and energy and that day ended up being one of the best bonding times I had ever had the privilege of having with my uncle, whom I had not seen in a while. Such memories bring nothing but the word BLESSED to mind.

When was the last time we just took time off to be with our parents, grandparents or friends? People say "Nobody has time any more", but the truth is that what we spend time working so hard for is not so sweet when we end up enjoying the fruits of our labour alone. Time and how we spend it is very important. Our blood relatives are not the only family we have.; that special friend you made in church or in school could end up being just as good as the only family you've got.

 MEMORIES are important because our lifetime is the only time we've got to make things count. When we build the habit of establishing firm ties with those God has blessed us with, we will find it much easier to be kinder to others we do not even know. Wouldn't it be just wonderful if someday, someone we do not even remember encountering says something like: "I recognise you! You made my day the other time by smiling at me when I expected you to tell me off for bumping into you."? You never know whose life you are blessing.

The little things matter. The beautiful pictures we see on our phones, walls, in books, on billboards, etc. are made up of many pixels that work together to create the perfect image. So it is with our lives. Our little actions will make not only our lives beautiful,  but that of others as well; family or not.

Of course, beautiful relationships can sometimes be marred by unforgiveness and bearing of grudges. However, one thing I have come to learn is that the only person we hurt when we hold on to things people have done against us, is ourselves. Holding on to past hurts wastes time and steals opportunities to bless others from us.

So when is the last time you heard from Mummy, Daddy or any of your family members, loved ones or friends? Now we are blessed with technology and almost everyone is just a phone call away. Mum and Dad may not necessarily be the people who brought you forth, but also people who have been kind to you in various ways, and above all GOD Who created us all.

Life may be so busy and fast these days that we always have to catch up. We however need to sometimes take the time off, sit back, pause and hang beautiful memories on the wall. As Ghanaians, we are even blessed with lovely ways of spending time with those we care about, like 'ludo' and 'oware', priceless games that foster unity and bring laughter and fun at no cost.
You choose the memories you create in people's minds.

We begin by forgiving whichever friend or loved one that hurt us. We then move on to spend energy not only on our lives but that of others. And we will end up not only creating BLESSED MEMORIES for ourselves, but our dear nation Ghana.

Just take some time off after reading this to let someone know you care about him or her. You never know who just needs to hear that.

Thursday, 24 September 2015


"Let us have a world of ordinary people, living life the way God wants us to...."

The lyrics of this song really got to me, not only because of the melody it was accompanied by but also because of the writer and singer, a gentleman called Cobhams Asoquo. You most probably haven't heard this name before, but I believe there are a few lessons we could learn from his life and character.

Mr. Asoquo is not your ordinary singer. He was born blind and has never had the privilege of seeing the world through open eyes. Listening to him speak on a programme on radio however,  he seemed to me to be more grateful for life than most people are these days. He lives life to the fullest, taking risks and even getting married not too long a lady with perfect eyesight.

As I said earlier, you most probably haven't heard anything about this man prior to this. Which leads me to ask..How many people will hear your name in their lifetime? You are unique in your own way, but the reality is that your name may most probably never be on a billboard or on television. Yet still what impact are you making? From this man's life story, I learn that it is not about the number of people who mention your name, but rather about how deeply the marks of your life will be etched into the hearts of those you encounter, whether it is just one or two people.

Even with our eyesight, how many times have we not made excuses for our failures and shortcomings? No one is really responsible for our mistakes but ourselves. Instead of blaming others when we fail, or wallowing in self - pity waiting for someone to sympathise with us or pick us up, we need to shake off the dust and get back up again. The scratches you may have received could become a thing of beauty based on your attitude. Tough times should harness our creativity. Our country is a typical example. In these difficult times, what can we do differently to ease the burden on us and move this nation forward?  I am sure you have beautiful ideas waiting to be born!

Cobhams' story also reminds me to appreciate the gift of life, no matter the circumstances. No matter where you find yourself, including Ghana, there is a purpose for which you are here and there is so much to be grateful for. If not for anything, we live in a peaceful country full of God's blessings, no matter how blind we may be to them at times.

Where there is life, there is certainly hope.
Is there a Cobhams in your life? Encourage that person and learn from him or her. It is high time we stopped 'waiting' for people to die before we let them know just how important or good they are. On that note, you are important and this nation needs you. There will never be another you reading this. Do not wait till you feel  "extraordinary" before rising up to make a change in your little corner.

So "Let us have a world of ordinary people, living life the way God wants us to; and if we have a world of ordinary people, extraordinary things will happen to me and you. "
Please follow this link, and click 'High' to download 'Ordinary People' by Cobhams Asoquo. I hope you will be inspired.

Sunday, 13 September 2015



Over the weekend, and on more than one occasion, some traffic lights at major roads have been off, leading to peril and confusion at various intersections. The only thread of sanity that seems to  keep everything together whenever this happens is common sense on the part of drivers and the selflessness of hawkers turned traffic wardens. I wonder how a country like Ghana with almost sixty years of independence could have something as important in our road safety as traffic lights not functioning when it should. I guess you and I know the answer...Our very frustrating power situation popularly referred to as "DUMSOR".

How exactly did we get here? Why should any country face such a situation where we have to plan when to do basic things such as iron, leave work in time to get home before 6pm to 'put things in order' (thereby affecting productivity at work in the long run), or  charge our phones and laptops to avoid being unable to prepare adequately for that upcoming class test? It is mostly due to myopia and poor maintenance culture not only on the part of our leaders, but on our part as well.

This power situation has brought out the best players of the blame game, with one faction blaming the other for a situation that could easily have been avoided. Truth be told however, this problem did not begin today. A relay race is being run where a baton of poor leadership and lack of foresight as well as apathy is being passed on from one administration and generation to another.

It may be that too many people are complaining about this power situation, but to every cloud there is a silver lining. We could learn a few great lessons from this unfortunate situation.

Even though we may not have much say in how our nation's electricity is being regulated at the moment, we have a say in the power situation in our own lives.
How brightly is the light of your life shining wherever you go? Do you only shine when others are watching you, only to shed off the light when you are in your own dark corner? You have the power to choose whether your life exudes "DUM" or "SOR". Who do you blame for your own shortcomings and failures? You never know when the light of someone's perusal will shine in your life and find you out in the darkness like some of our judges have learnt the hard way.

Ghana's power situation may not be stable right now but your character can and must be.  Like Tigo's promotional slogan goes ("YENSOR NKOAA"), let it also be said of our lives that "with this girl, boy, man, woman, it is YENSOR NKOAA.


Monday, 7 September 2015



Nana sings, Kwesi dances and Yaw does both, but are any one of them better than the other?

At church on Sunday, my spirit was lifted as I listened to the wonderful blend of voices from the Ghana Police Church Youth Choir. Individual efforts and voices came together into perfect harmony. Imagine if one member decided to stand at the left wing of the church whilst another stood at the right side, with yet a few standing at the top corner of the church's staircase and the rest standing at the church's entrance. Even though they may have still had a common purpose, the church would have been filled with dissonance that afternoon.

What exactly am I driving at? UNITY and PURPOSE.

If the way I go about things differs from that of my fellow Ghanaian, it does not call for enmity or envy but rather a conscientious effort to let my contributions blend with that of my counterpart.
It is often said that "You are either black or white." Well today, I propose to you a different color...GREY. Why not let my traits (BLACK) blend with yours (WHITE) to give us a new shade of GREY, not only to develop ourselves but our nation?

Speaking of black and white...Has anyone heard of zebra crossings? Please, to all those who have vehicles...motors, cars, trucks, bikes...let us be kind enough to stop when we see a pedestrian making an attempt to cross the road at a zebra crossing. It is actually required of us and it does not hurt to show a little kindness.

Back to our different colors...
Before I conclude, we may all belong to different factions as elections draw nearer. Why not allow ourselves to be vessels of peace by overlooking our political affiliation when it comes to everyday decisions like hiring someone to fill a job position or even being on good terms with someone? Our nation is far more important than party colors!

To conclude, our currency (though not so stable right now)serves as an interesting reminder to me of how different things can complement each other. Our money consists of notes and coins. Even among them, there are coins, silver coins, blue, green, red and brown notes. Even though they differ in value they are all important in their own way when we need to purchase items or transact business....yes, even the one pesewa coin.

You are unique, no matter which note or coin you are. So stand up and be counted.

Whether you are BLACK or WHITE, let us come together and make GREY stand out.

Friday, 28 August 2015



Have you ever felt the excitement of having a new idea coming to you? Let's take a second to reflect on some of those amazing ideas...."Use old books to start a community library", "bake some cakes to sell", "start a new workout plan to lose weight!"...

How many times have you had a little 'reality check' making you feel like you cannot follow through with your idea after all because you will be laughed at or because you do not have enough capital to start or there is no one to support you or you just might not be able to sustain that idea?

You may most probably be wondering where I'm going with this, but I just want to put a single word across to you today: ENCOURAGEMENT. 
I have come to realise that in achieving great things, we more often than not fail at the first few attempts. Those failures, however, add to the beauty of the final picture. 

What is it that makes other countries seemingly more successful than Ghana? A careful look into these countries' achievements will reveal that somewhere,  in someone's corner, he or she was encouraged in one way or another to put the little resources he or she had to good use. That simple phrase "YOU CAN DO IT" builds nations! And that is what we need today. We need a view of the bigger picture. 

Let us not wait for another person from somewhere else to come and fix things. You may have tried to correct someone or even to invent something. You may most probably have been laughed at or faced with a challenging environment. But there is at least one Person Who believes in you: GOD. And He has placed you in a country that believes in you too...GHANA.

Ghana is counting on us to build our ideas so we can recover from our past mistakes as a nation. Do not wait till you grow old or run out of options before you decide to make a difference with your gifts. 

To conclude, I once tried to bake some cakes; but as a result of adding too much of one or two ingredients, I got a different thing altogether! However, instead of it being a disappointment, it turned out to be even better and sweeter than I intended it to be. I ended up calling it my 'sweet mistake'.

What 'sweet mistake' have you made today? Believe me, something great could come out of it, not just for you, but for Ghana. Do not listen to those discouraging voices. There are more voices cheering you on. And when you see someone else making an effort to make a difference, do not hesitate to give that person an encouraging word.


Friday, 21 August 2015

Our Ghana


Ghana has witnessed many changes over the years, most of which are a reflection of our character, beliefs and values. Not too long ago, being a child in Ghana , meant being brought up with values such as discipline, respect and gratitude, among others. But where do these values go as we grow up?

Anyone who spends time in town, be it in a car on the way to work or class, or at the market or the salon, just to name a few, will hear complaints about how things are tough, nobody cares anymore, nobody respects the law, there are no jobs.....the list is endless! But what we fail to see is that the problems we complain about start with the and me.

Our society did not change overnight. Little acts on our part have contributed to the  fabric of moral decadence our nation is wearing today. Let's think about it....If you and I refuse to give that policeman or security man a bribe when he asks for it, and sacrifice, as hard as it may be, by maybe spending time at the police station justifying ourselves, who will continue to boldly ask for bribes as time goes on? Or better still, why don't we just do the right thing, like renewing our insurance on time, getting that broken tail light promptly fixed, obeying traffic rules, parking at the right spot, etc. so that no one will even have basis to stop us in the first place?

Or if we always find the right place to dispose of rubbish, instead of tossing it outside the window or dropping it on that auditorium floor, or dumping it at the back of the house only to see it floating in that choked gutter the next day, will we face the level of filth plaguing our streets now?

You may be wondering just how practical these suggestions are; but a little sacrifice on every Ghanaian's part is just what this nation needs. If we continue to wait for those in authority to do everything for us, we just might be waiting a long time! The change we want to see starts with YOU and ME.

Let's change the status quo. TOGETHER.