Wednesday, 30 December 2015


How time flies....
So soon(or so it seems)  the year has come to an end. Just like every journey, there have been ups and downs, and different stops along the way. The year could be viewed as a long road trip, where there have and often will be :
Characteristic of some of our roads, we most of the time do not get to wherever we are going without falling into at least one or two potholes, some huge, some small. What potholes did we fall into along the way? Just as cars do not stay in potholes for long, so can we also get back up no matter the mistake. The journey to greatness is more often than not a bumpy ride. Our strength arises from how well we deal with whatever shocks come from the fall.
It is always interesting for me when I see a driver try his utmost best to 'dodge' a pothole. Some end up even getting into others' lanes. Nevertheless, the pothole is avoided. We can also sometimes learn from others experiences and avoid making some mistakes as well. Experience is not always the best teacher. Sometimes it is much safer to keep our eyes open and learn from others.

Imagine a hot red sports car zooming by whilst you are in traffic. The car catches everyone's attention because of its speed and sound. The driver seems to be on a roll!.. Until the speed rump appears. The driver definitely has to slow down, at least if he wants to avoid damaging his car.
Sometimes, we just need to slow down. The road may not necessarily create much room for breaks, so we have to create those breaks ourselves if we do not want to break down. Slowing down has a way of helping us refuel and continue our journey. If you have noticed, when someone who was so good at his job falls sick or dies, he  or she is usually replaced in no time. Our lives are important and we must not kill ourselves over jobs and occupations that have a quick way of replacing us when we are gone. We need to take time, rest and appreciate those speed rumps.

We are almost at our destination... Then this big river appears. The only way we can cross it is if there is a bridge in place. A solid one at that.
At times, people seem far away from us either by physical distance or some emotional distance we may have created ourselves. Even as the year draws to a close, how many bridges have we built to reach out to others? Unlike the physical bridges, we do not need too many materials in building our bridges. It could be just a phone call, or an "I am sorry", or even just a last minute visit to the person you've procrastinated  on visiting for a while.
Maintenance culture is really important not just for our country, but for our own lives. It is not too late to repair any damaged bridges in our lives.

No doubt, these booths have a way of creating a little traffic wherever they are situated. Nevertheless, they are important as the dues we pay go into the maintenance of our roads (hopefully).
We also need to stop and pay our due. This year, who has really contributed to your life? Who needs to be appreciated? A "thank you for everything" will definitely go a long way to make someone smile and feel special.

CHANGING THE STATUS QUO with you has been a great ride so far with the necessary stops. Thank you for being with me through the POTHOLES and SPEED RUMPS. For all those with whom I have built BRIDGES  throughout the year, I just want to stop at the TOLL BOOTH and pay my due :THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING. This blog would definitely have not been the same without you.
Whether you make new year resolutions or not, 2016 is going to be full of great opportunities. I know with people like you, we can only move forward to CHANGE THE STATUS QUO.
OUR GHANA is much more beautiful with people like you who aspire to BUILD THAT DREAM, whether we are BLACK, WHITE OR GREY. We can now confidently answer the question: "WHERE IS THE POWER?", since we are EXTRAORDINARY PEOPLE with BLESSED MEMORIES. Surely, if we have THE RIGHT HEART, we will certainly make it TO THE FINISH LINE, if only we VACATE THE COMFORT ZONE to DEFY THE ODDS. LET'S continue to DRIVE together. We may see MASQUERADERS along the way, but they make THE JOURNEY even more colourful.
Believe in who you are.
Don't forget to give thanks to our number one STATUS QUO CHANGER, GOD.


  1. 👏 excellent... God bless Nana for your inspiring blogs... Thank you for everything
