Friday 25 November 2016


I needed to get to town for a meeting and thankfully had a car I could use to make my journey faster and more convenient. Of all the days however, this car chose not to start! I called a few friends of mine, since I did not know what exactly to do, and they were there in minutes to help out. The car eventually did start, and I thought I could pull a fast one, dash to town and get back before it pulled another stunt on me. Well the car, and let me say God, had other plans!
About fifteen minutes into the drive and after a short prayer, the car’s engine gave out once again! Even worse was where it stopped.....right in the middle of an outer lane at a busy traffic light. Dejected, I just stepped out, not knowing what to do once again. Little did I know that this was yet another opportunity to learn some valuable life lessons.
Some of the sellers nearby found their way to me, asking what had happened. This included one I had met and spoken to a few months ago, and who I had completely forgotten about. Almost every one of the sellers wanted to help in their own way, with one willing to leave his wares to go and find me a mechanic, whilst a few others offered to help push the car to a safer location, and others just standing around to keep me company.
Feeling a bit at ease, I tried to make a few calls before spotting a police officer heading towards me on a motorcycle. “I’m definitely in trouble”, I thought to myself. Stopping right where the car was, he got down to ask what the issue was. I later realized my fears were unfounded, as he proved to be very supportive and resourceful throughout the period of time I was stranded. Quite a number of truths hit me that I would like to share with you today.

·         Treat everybody right, for you never know when you will need them.
It was amazing how quickly my friends came around in the first instance of car trouble, and how willingly they did everything they could to help me out. It reminded me of how important each and every one is in their own way and of the truth that you never know when you will need someone, and in what circumstances their help may prove beneficial.

·         There are still helpful people out there.
Ranging from the sellers to the police officer to even a few concerned people who were in traffic, I had a refreshing reminder of the general helpful attitude of Ghanaians. It was good to know that this warm attitude is still dished out in huge doses. I never for a moment, during that period, felt alone or lost, thanks to the warm company I had.

·         You never know who remembers you or what impact you have made.
One of the sellers clearly remembered me, even though I could hardly recall where we had met. He reminded me of our brief encounter some weeks back, which had left him blessed. This was a humbling reminder of the truth that the little we do for others could go a long way to make someone’s life a bit better. Even more startling was the reminder that we need to be careful what we do…in this case, I was remembered for a good thing. But what if I had been rude or done something untoward? No doubt, it would not have been forgotten for a long time.

·         Be knowledgeable.
I was clueless about how to charge a car battery or even where a car’s alternator is located! Due to my lack of knowledge, I was absolutely helpless. Though this situation taught me a few more things about cars, I chided myself for not bothering to learn about these things that seemed so basic to my friends (who were guys). If you are a lady reading this, do not leave all the ‘handy’ stuff to the guys. You never know when you may need to change a car tyre or charge a car battery!

·         GOD orders our steps.
Above all, I learnt that when we commit our plans to the Lord, He has the last word, for our own good. I could not get to my destination after all, and even though I initially felt disappointed for ‘wasting’ most of my day, I realized that I had learnt some pretty great lessons I may not have been able to learn any other way. God always knows the best step for us to take, and we need to learn to fully trust Him.

Eventually, the car did get fixed, but not before I learnt a few things the hard way in the hot Ghanaian sun.
Let us learn to keep our eyes open. That seemingly uncomfortable situation could just be another opportunity to be blessed!

*A special dedication to my three special friends, who know themselves :-)

You are a blessing and may God continue to use you to be a blessing to others!


  1. Call on Him and He will answer and show you great and mighty things which you do not know ! God shows us the way.

  2. Very I are in the spirit my dear😊

  3. ������������

  4. Enter your comment..indeed. God is always willing to reach us only if we will be attentive to His prompts. wonderful piece.

  5. Hmm it is amazing how sometimes we turn our backs to the very little things that comes up in life. Imagine you were rude to that guy who recognized you in the traffic, what would have been the reaction. We behave rudely towards them sometimes because we see them like homeless people on the street but see how God used them to save you from your troubles. God help us to see and treat everyone equally irrespective of who they are or how they look. God bless you Nana Ama.

    1. Amen
      Very true
      Thanks and God bless you more Kojo :-)

  6. God bless you Nana for those lessons

  7. 😊Aaaaaaalllllll things work for our good...!

  8. Thanks for the inspiration Nana. Bless you!

    1. Glory be to God!
      Thanks for reading too.
      Bless you more!
