Friday, 14 October 2016


John’s helper turns out to be Lanre, Dede has reached her limit at the hands of her ex-husband, and she finds out he is Nana Yaa’s brother. Missed out on Episode 8? Your flashback is just a click away on
The Blues go on with Episode 9
After much convincing, Dede had agreed to let Nana Yaa help her out with her case. Three weeks later Nana Yaa had found out why Kojo was insisting on gaining custody of Safoa. She decided to go and pay Kojo a visit.
“What do you want?” Kojo asked sullenly, trying to hide his surprise.
“What on earth is wrong with you?” Nana Yaa responded angrily. “I haven’t heard from you in years, and when I finally do, you’re at your stupid tricks again.”
“You watch your mouth Nana Yaa Afriyie.”, Kojo said, straightening up.
“You want to hit me too? Go ahead! You’re such a coward!” Nana Yaa countered, facing him squarely.
Kojo took a step towards her, before clenching his fist in restraint…

Kofi Wilson tidied up his desk, trying to stifle his disappointment. He had spent the past few hours trying to beg Lanre for forgiveness but things had not gone well. Lanre Adesodzi was a good man, but this time around, Kofi had gone too far. The same people who had framed Lanre were now demanding their monies back from Kofi, but he had put the money into a deal that had not worked out, and was completely broke.
“I’ve messed up big time”, Kofi lamented.
Lanre had given him up to an hour to pack all his stuff and leave the office. His time at N.E.A.S. was over…

Naa Aku could barely hide her excitement. She had missed her period for a few months now and had taken a pregnancy test., which had come back positive. She stared at herself in the mirror, contemplating whether to tell Nii or not.
“What if I miscarry again? It has been three whole years since...”
She was still trying to figure out what to do when she heard Nii’s car pull into the driveway. She quickly got rid of the test and went out to meet him…..

John the Great decided to pass by the street where he used to sell. Though he was enjoying his new life, he missed his friends and took the day off to go and see them. He had been schooling alongside running some errands for Lanre, who had become like a father to him. Through these errands, he had met some ‘big people’ and realized he was interested in politics. He quickly shelved his thoughts as he got to his destination.
“Eiiii Johnnie, Johnnieeee!” one of the sellers shrieked in disbelief.
“It’s me, call me John the Great!” John responded as he hugged most of the sellers who had huddled around him, momentarily forgetting their wares.
“Ei, John, how are things going, chale?” his longtime credit seller friend asked him.
“Small small o, God dey!” John responded.
“Look at his too-known!” another of the sellers teased, as they scrutinized John.
After some time with his friends, John headed back home, but not before he had given each of the sellers one little gift or the other. He had learnt so much about giving from the little time he had spent with Lanre. John vowed never to forget his roots, and decided to wear the ‘happy socks’ he used to sell every single day, to remind him of where he came from….

*From Kofi Wilson’s predicament, do you think Lanre was too harsh or Kofi deserved what he got? What does this tell us about bearing the consequences of our decisions?
*Naa is finally pregnant, but decides to hide it from her husband out of fear and disbelief. Does this remind us of any uncertainties we have faced in our own lives?
*What does John the Great’s visit to his friends tell us about remembering who we are and where we come from?

Thank you for helping me Change the Status Quo so far. You have been amazing, and for that, I say thank you and God richly bless you.
Please don’t forget to share this story with others as well as to like our Facebook page on

Stay blessed and see you next week!


  1. aaaaaaawwwwwwwww...He does make all things beautiful in His time:) Naa..John the Great:)thus far has the Lord brought them. Kofi deserves every bit of his predicament in my opinion and i'm starting to think Kojo may have a problem we'd all actually find out about soon. thank you so much Nana...and now i think i'm loving John's character most:)

    1. God certainly does make all things beautiful in His time 😊
      Thank you so much too Bri. God bless you richly

  2. Aaaww indeed the Lord is good!Cant wait to see how this will end. More grace Boatemaa, blessings! 😘

    1. More grace and blessings to you too Jessica 😊

  3. It's getting more and more interesting. Nice build up. Keep it up

  4. Thank you and glory be to God 😊

  5. Kofi has more to learn
    Johnniee...Johnnieee, aka John the great, never forgot to share the little he had. Let alone forgetting his root. Great lessons.
    Naa wouldn't confide in Nii, the husband, hmm...I deduced for the fear of another miscarriage, but trust me, FEAR AND LACK OF COMMUNICATION SEEM TO BE BREAKING MOST MARRIAGES lately....

    1. That's very true, especially the last part
      Thank you very much Rev Gyampoh
      God bless you richly

  6. I believe we can al learn something from Kofi Wilson's case. The good book also says in Colossians 3:23-25 23 And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; 24 Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ. 25 But he that doeth wrong shall receive for the wrong which he hath done: and there is no respect of persons. God bless you Nana Boatemaa. Keep up the good work.

  7. Thank you and God bless you more Jojo
