Friday, 19 February 2016


Whenever I watch a soccer match, I get confused as to why a coach sometimes waits till a match is almost over before he decides to bring a player on to play. It seems almost as if he just wants the player to have a feel of the match before it ends. The tactic just seemed quite pointless to me and always made me wonder...that is, until an English Premier League match between Arsenal and Leicester,  that changed my view.

The match had almost ended 1-1, when Arsenal's coach brought in a substitute, Danny Welbeck, to carry on with the match till the last minute. I thought this was just another substitution till this last minute 'decision' scored a crucial goal for the team, giving them a decisive victory. The victory was even sweeter because Welbeck had not scored since December 2014...quite frustrating for any goal oriented player.
This reminded me of our own lives, and how great things can happen when we least expect it!

More often than not, it takes quite a long time before we see the results of our hardwork and effort. This match however, had a way of reminding me of the need to press on and not downplay the potential of seemingly small opportunities.
Life, like any soccer match, provides us with a field of play on which we can make and also receive :

Some problems need to be faced head on in order to be dealt with. Just as players seem to forget about their health when they make that head on tackle against their opponent, we also need to sometimes forget about our own comfort in order to push some obstacles out of the way, in our quest to reach our goal. This requires stubborn determination and a decision to not allow anything to make us cower in fear.

There is power in teamwork. It is sometimes frustrating to see a player try to score a goal on his own when he could have easily passed it to his fellow player who had a better chance of scoring one for the team.
Building others up to achieve greater things never really takes anything away from us, but rather makes us better. Won't it be heartwarming to hear someone say : "I scored that goal because of you." ?

We each have great and unique things in our hands that we need to guard and take good care of. In doing this, we create opportunities and an atmosphere for results to take place. And when we reach our destination, it should spur us on to do more, not become complacent.
Building a solid defence takes time and effort just like in soccer teams. We need to surround ourselves with the right people and the right kind of influence. Having a solid defence does not mean some mistakes will not be made at times, but just as defenders in a football match continue to play their role even after their opponents are able to penetrate through their defence to score a goal, we can also stage a comeback even after a setback. It is just a time to think, regroup and play on.

Of course, a match cannot end (most of the time) without a few yellow cards and occasionally a red. This is often unpleasant but is also the reality of life. We will sometimes be corrected for wrong actions and decisions. What makes the difference however, is how we respond when we are shown the card. Are we willing to humble ourselves and accept corrections, or we prefer to be set in our own ways?

Great things take time to happen, and in waiting, we need to work hard and press on. We also need to believe in others and encourage them to work towards achieving their best.
No doubt, if the Arsenal coach, Arsene Wenger, had not believed in Welbeck enough to give him the chance to play, he would not have had the opportunity to score that goal.
It is NEVER too late to shine, to make it. Even when it seems as if no one believes in us, we can still create opportunities for ourselves and others if we put our minds to it.
Take up the opportunity today and score that goal.
Ghana is waiting to celebrate with you.

Friday, 12 February 2016


Valentine's day celebrations were always a sight to behold when I was in primary school. It was almost a competition...who could combine the most red things. It ranged from very obvious attempts like red sneakers or socks, to more obscure things like red earrings or watches. If Valentine's Day happened to fall on 'Our Day' (our termly party to mark the end of another academic period), then someone could even dare to pull off a red shirt, red ribbon, red shoe, red watch stunt... I am sure you get the picture.

Growing older however made me realise that this day that is so widely celebrated goes far beyond any red apparel to a deeper word most people are still trying to understand, LOVE.
It's interesting how people signify love with only the colour Red, whilst others attach love to only one day, Valentine's day.

What is love to you?
How true is your love?

"I may have all knowledge and understand all secrets ; I may have all the faith needed to move mountains - but if I have no love, I am nothing. " - 1 Corinthians 13 :2 (GNB)

This quote alone teaches me that love, the genuine kind, goes beyond any celebration, appearance or even romance. I have come to learn that AUTHENTIC LOVE is seen in our day to day activities and is tested almost always on a daily basis.
Beyond Valentine's day, there are many people to whom love can be shown, and many people who can also put us through tests of love without us knowing it. The more obvious people include :

- Family
Family could well be the closest people we could ever have, and because of that, we often take them for granted without even knowing it. We do not need to do or see anything 'big' in order to know that we are loved. Little things like 'How are you?', 'Take care', or even an occasional stern rebuke for doing something wrong, are all little proofs of love and acceptance, and we could return that love in many little ways like being respectful and forgiving.

- Friends
I've heard people say that "Friends will either make you or mar you" ; a statement I have come to believe over time. It is quite easy to love when that friend is always smiling, warm and understanding.... but what happens when he or she becomes moody, or even suddenly decides to become a broadcaster of your life to others?
Another difficult test of love.

- Strangers
An act of love to someone you barely know is quite some proof of love. It could be someone you've noticed at work, school, church...anywhere, who always seems lonely and is in dire need of a warm smile or kind word.
It could be a colleague sitting close by, who is obviously in need of water to drink, especially when you know that the one you have is your last!
Of course, the world has become quite strange these days, making it tougher to love and show kindness, but in the midst of it all, there are people still in genuine need. May we have the ability to tell the difference!

The list of people we could show love to and learn lessons of love from, is quite endless, not forgetting Ghana. Yes, we can show love to Ghana too, like she once told us in her letter, Ghana's Cry, by praying for her, being proud of her, standing up for her when we have to, and being kind towards her children, no matter the party or tribe or 'class' they belong  to.

Some of our Ghanaian love songs have a particular phrase that runs through them, which when translated means "Love goes where love is, like a mirror.", meaning that love is always returned or reciprocated.
The harsh reality however is that love is far from being like a mirror, and AUTHENTIC LOVE is more often than not, unnoticed or unappreciated. It is quite easy to love when the recipient equally loves you too, but I'd like to throw you a challenge..
'Can you love (or show love) to someone you know cannot repay you or someone you know may not even appreciate you? '

Love is definitely a lot of things combined... too many things!.... to be celebrated in just one day. Let us make everyday a day of love, a day to count.

Before I end, there is a true ultimate Gift of love I would like to share with you. This Gift is to me, the most authentic because He was able to lay His life down for people who barely knew Him, loved Him or cared. That precious Gift is Jesus, and I recommend this Valentine's Day Gift to you to accept and also share with others, for
"..Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends... " -  John 15:13 (KJV)

And lastly, a little reminder... Valentine's day is definitely not time for a pity party, when you lament over being single or being unloved. It is a time, I believe, to work on ourselves, build ourselves up and remind ourselves of why we are special. Trust me, there is at least one thing in you that is worth something.


Sunday, 7 February 2016


Valuable Mirrors.
As I looked around my church's Sunday school, I realised just how enlightening it can be to hang around children. Like every lesson learnt, we need to look closely before we see just how many important lessons children can teach us.
Just like a mirror, children are a reflection of who we are and who we eventually become. A mirror at times points out our flaws (for example a big pimple on the nose or mismatched clothes) and indirectly prompts us to correct ourselves.

Today, these beautiful mirrors have a few lessons we could learn from them. I hope as you read, you will remember one or two lessons yourself.

More than once, I have been touched by how children often seem to easily forgive. It seems much easier for them to let go of some things, whilst we who are older and have more to let go of, rather hold on tightly to whatever hurt we have experienced. On several occasions, I have seen a child sulk because this person has torn her book or this person has sat at his place. However, after some minutes pass, they are themselves again, and the best situations even see the child playing once again with the one who offended least, more often than not.

A phone camera has an amazing way of letting a crying child quiet down with fascination. Suddenly, the face that was 'washed' with tears lights up with a smile or curiosity, with their own faces staring right back at them. With children, their own face is an image worth looking at over and over again. If children are not afraid to accept themselves for who they have been created to be, why should we who are much older be discontent or compare ourselves to others?

Children ask the most amazing and random things, like "Why have you done your hair this way? Are you getting married?" or "When will you come to my house?", when they barely even know you. With children, every moment is an opportunity to explore, to learn something new. That is a trait we could equally develop, in order to broaden our scope and experience new possibilities.

The hardest heart could be melted by the sight of a brother placing his arm protectively around his sister when a bully is approaching, or a cousin eager to share a toffee he has earned for answering a question with his cousin, or a little girl trying to carry a baby who is almost her size. Kindness seems to come easily to children, for one reason or another. And as time goes on, we also need to make a conscious effort not to let the circumstances of life harden our hearts to others and their situations.

I saw a little boy crouched on the ground, apparently looking for something, with a very worried, almost tearful, expression on his face. "I can't find my offering money", he said when I asked him what he was looking for. To him, losing the money his parents had given him was like his whole world collapsing.
How many times do we take for granted the little things that have been entrusted to us? And when we lose those things, what effort do we make to get those things back?

Children have a way of loving without any ulterior motives. Once they form an attachment to you, they stay devoted to you.. Even when you disappoint them, they find a way of still holding on to that love, without judgement.
How unconditional is our love for others? Is our decision to stay faithful and kind to those God has blessed us with based on only how good they are? I'd really like to love without judgement just like children do.

Of course, there are some children who are really tough to handle and who are usually referred to as stubborn. Even they however teach a valuable lesson.... Look for the good in people, using patience and care, but firmness. It sometimes takes an extra effort to bring out the best in some people, but it is really worth it in the end.

Children are a mirror of our very own lives and the things that truly matter. We can CHANGE THE STATUS QUO by being an example to them as they are to us. That way, when they grow, Ghana will be in the hands of a great generation.
So whether it is a little sibling, cousin, neice, nephew, grandchild, son or daughter, or even a pupil or neighbour's child, we have VALUABLE MIRRORS staring right at us everyday, through which we can see ourselves and learn a lesson or two.