Thursday, 28 January 2016


When I was younger, I was a bit confused as to why Ghana was always referred to as 'her' or 'she'. "How did they know Ghana was a woman?", I wondered. I later realised that Ghana is referred to as our motherland, like most countries are described, hence the use of 'she' and 'her'. It's just like how the earth is usually described... Mother Earth.  Mother Ghana has given to us and indirectly expects much from us in return, in order to keep going. 'Motherland' should kindle a flame of patriotism in us.

Sometimes, I think if we saw Ghana more as a person than an inanimate thing, we will treat her better and be more concerned about her and her welfare. Imagine if Ghana had a soul. In what state would it be?

Today, our Mother Ghana has a letter for us all to read (and act upon) :
"Hi, daughters and sons of my land,
I guess I can be a bit informal with you since you've lived in me for so long. I've been waiting for this opportunity.
I hope you're doing least, better than I am. I used to think I could get better with time, but these days I'm not so sure, since it seems as if everyone is more concerned about themselves and how they can make only themselves better, forgetting that if they have everything and have nowhere to live, it's all quite useless really. Sometimes, I wonder how I got to this point of starvation whilst you move on as if nothing has happened.

I came across a statement some time ago :
'... Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth. ' - 3 John 1:2 (KJV), and I felt sad because I realised I couldn't relate to this statement. I am not as healthy and prosperous as I could be because my soul seems to be weakening everyday. I decided to use the little strength I have left to remind you that I need you as much as you need me. If I am not prosperous, in the long run, it will affect you also...and I don't want to see that happen.

At least, you have a sense of humour. One unique thing about you is that you're always able to make a joke out of almost every issue, no matter how serious it may be. It is good to laugh ; you make me happy sometimes too with your laid back attitude, but it is not the answer to everything.

I know this is random, but you always look nice in the African print clothes you've been wearing so much of late. I really do hope you're as proud of me as you seem to be whenever you choose to wear those lovely fabrics. I think most of them are not produced here though (I'm really waiting till the day more things are manufactured right here in me), but they still remind me of the roots you and I share. I am proud of you and hope even when those clothes are put down, you are still proud of me in your hearts. True pride shows even when things don't go well. It encourages me to keep standing.
And please, don't only be proud to show my colours when the Black Stars are playing (I wonder, do they still play as well as they used to?). Your support should go beyond just sports. Though those seasons have proven to be one of the most excited and united I've seen you be.
I miss how you used to sing to me when you were younger; even though most of the time you had to sing more out of formality than meaning. Do you still remember those words?  'God bless our homeland Ghana.... '
I really do hope you still want to keep the promise you made to me when you kept saying the pledge : 'I promise on my honour to be faithful and loyal to Ghana my motherland...'

I know some of you will like to leave me when you grow older. I understand, there doesn't seem to be much left of me these days. There is still hope however, because I still have you. At least don't forget me when you go.

Please don't forget to keep praying for me. Don't pray only because you're afraid something might happen to you during the election year. Pray because you have a country to protect. If you are good to me, you'll definitely reap the benefits. I won't benefit alone.

I do have a lot to say, but I guess I should end here. Before I sign off, I just want to remind you that in spite of everything, I am proud of you and I am so excited about what you can really do if you put your mind to it. I'm waiting for you to shine as brightly as I know you can. Then we'll shine brightly together. To you who is determined not to give up on me, Thank You.

Ghana. "

I just did my part in delivering Ghana's message to you. I hope you will help me deliver it to others. And just remember that Ghana, the nation we call our Motherland, is counting on you to make a difference. 

*Source of pictures: 

Thursday, 21 January 2016


I was thinking about how far we have come in Changing the status quo, but paused when a thought came to mind... Does changing the status quo end at just writing (or reading) the posts, or we are going further to put into actions the lessons we learn?

With our system of education, we are quite used to learning only to forget, since in our quest to avoid failing a paper, we put in our best in order to at least pass. Frankly speaking however, if you ask me to explain some concepts I learnt just last semester alone, I may not even be able to remember, let alone teach you. This could also be because I most probably did not enjoy a course and as such did not even make a conscious effort to keep it in mind after 'disposing of' the information onto my examination paper.
Unfortunately, if we apply this to our lives, we and the generations ahead of us could be worse off.

"Do yourself a favour and learn all you can, then remember what you learn and you will prosper. " - Proverbs 19:8.
Sometimes, in thinking about how far (or not) we have come as a nation, I wonder if those ahead of us ever once committed to always do the right thing but ended up forgetting as time passed. Time seems to have a way of causing us to forget, as the higher we go, the dimmer some images become. It takes a conscious effort to keep our eyes open and apply whatever lessons we learn in the classroom of life.

I would like to pause here and have the  privilege of appointing you into an office I believe only you can occupy and perform excellently as a result of the lessons you and I have learnt together in the School of Life. The title of this position is THE CARRIER.

Your job description is quite simple :
- To be a walking signpost of the need to be the change we want to see.
- To choose to speak positively instead of complaining.
- To resolve to hold on to the right values no matter how rapidly the world changes.
Main values include : Honesty, Forgiveness, Humility and Respect. As these values are harnessed, more values will be attracted to these ones.

The qualifications required for this job position are even simpler :
You just need a willing heart and a desire to see the status quo changed.

Job duration :
This position lasts for a lifetime, but does not promise to be rosy all the time. At times, you may not even be paid your due when you know you have done your best and most of the time, your Chief Rewarder (GOD) remains unseen. However, this position offers a great opportunity to make an indelible mark in the lives of those who come your way.

But why the title THE CARRIER?
This job position is by no means a glamorous one, but carries a lot of weight and responsibility. It sums up your mandate to spread good and to remind others to not only inspire change, but be the change.

Warning :
This position is not exclusive to you alone but to many others who are willing to step up to the plate and take up the position. This could be a plus, depending on your attitude towards others.
This job has more on the job training than it requires prior experience.

Changing The Status Quo is not just a blog to be read and hailed, and is nothing without you. It will only be effective if only we all decide to be CARRIERs of the message and put into practice whatever we learn.

Hopefully, with you accepting to take up this position, Ghana is going to be a better place, and the status quo is indeed going to be changed!

Thursday, 14 January 2016


Almost every day of our lives, we are faced with the task of having to make one decision or another. It could be something as basic as what to wear, or as life changing as who to marry. Our decisions have a way of affecting not only us, but those around us... Something that could be described as The Ripple Effect.

A ripple effect occurs when an object is dropped into water. As a result, the surface of the water is 'disturbed', creating the image of moving waves in the process.
Ripples could be subtle such that you may not even see if you do not look closely, or could be so obvious that you cannot overlook it. Whatever be the case, The Ripple Effect is a vivid description of our own lives.

A typical example is our nation Ghana. No doubt, how our today is, came about as a result of some decisions our predecessors and leaders took yesterday. Though it takes a while for The Ripple Effect to vanish, something can be done about it to create a new one.

Decisions are not the only thing that could cause a ripple effect. There is another powerful 'object' that has the potential of causing a great ripple effect, and that 'object' is YOU.
Just as one drop can make all the difference, YOU can make all the difference wherever you find Ghana, at work, in school, at home, at church...
Wherever you have been placed, you are there to cause that ripple effect that only you can. The fact that you have the ability to cause such an effect could either be positive or negative.
If you choose to build others up, speak up when others are silent, and walk the talk, setting an example, you could cause an effect that could ripple through generations. However, if you decide to utter words that break people and choose to turn your back on whatever is going on around you, you are still causing an effect which though subtle, could prove to be of great consequence later on.

Our generation could be much better or worse because of YOU.
It is what you decide today that could change our tomorrow.

In causing the effect, you may or may not be rewarded.. Much like the taxi driver and the soldier in a recent armed robbery attack mentioned in the news. Whereas the taxi driver seems to be the only hero of the day, everyone seems to have forgotten about the soldier who helped to keep the situation under control until the police arrived. Some may say, "Well, it was expected of him. It was his duty as a soldier", but imagine if he had decided to turn a blind eye. Nevertheless, his being forgotten does not make him less of a hero.
It could be the same with you. You could be an unsung hero, but you are definitely a drop in the water that could stir things up and make the difference.
Just as The Ripple Effect could be caused by more than one drop, so can we all come together to be the change we want to see and stir up our world.

I came across a quote that sums it all up:
"Each time a person stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, they send forth a tiny ripple of hope...These ripples build a current which can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance. "
- Robert F. Kennedy.


Friday, 8 January 2016


I used to think the Nile River flowed through only Egypt but later learnt that it is much deeper and further than that. It flows through as many countries such as Ethiopia, Uganda, Kenya, Rwanda, just to name a few... Imagine if such a great river as this were to dry up...

The thought of a river drying up came when I felt like I had nothing to write for my blog. A feeling of anxiety tried to creep in because I began to wonder what would happen if all of a sudden, writing ceased to 'flow through me'. This sort of 'dryness' however led me to a few realisations I may not have stumbled upon any other way.

Why do we do what we do?
Sometimes, when we start something new, we are so excited about it because we actually love what we are doing,. It feels fulfilling until the word 'CANNOT'  seems to outweigh our ability. There is a fine line between doing what we do because we love to, and because others are expecting something from us so we have to come up with something no matter what.
Each of us have a gift unique to us no matter how many people seem to know how to do the same things we thought we only were good at. What matters is how best we each stand out in what we do and how much love we do it with.

I liken our gifts and talents to a river because just as a river nourishes whichever plants and soil are in its course, so can our gifts and talents bless others, even when we seem to feel dried up. A time of dryness does not necessarily mean a time of lack or idleness.

Imagine our Akosombo Dam for instance.. Time and again we hear that the water level of water has reduced, hence power shortage. This situation however could spur us on as a nation to be innovative enough to come up with different sources of energy and put these sources to work. Sometimes, for a country like ours to come to such a realisation, we need to experience some dryness (like the shortage of water in the dam).

Or even our dry season (which seems quite harsh this time around). It is in this season that things catch fire easily at the least 'provocation'. Likewise, our dryness could be a time to attract new lessons depending on our willingness to learn from our situation and to also share with others. In our 'dryness' we could spread the light the most because we are forced to be cracked open (much like our skin in this dry weather) to be filled with new knowledge. It is all based on our attitude however.
In being led into a time of renewal, there is a thin line between 'learning from others' and 'plagiarism'. We need to distinguish between learning from others and writing our own story. At times in trying to be like others, we lose our originality. It would shock you the number of people who actually liked you when you were yourself than when you tried to change to be like someone else. We each have a story to write with our lives, with different shades of ink and paper.

Just as I thought the Nile only run through Egypt, I did not know at first just how much our gifts can affect more people than we think. Your talent, creativity, gifts, ideas, could reach beyond your mind into someone's life, if only you put it into action.

The mistake we often make is that we try to sustain our 'river' on our own...but just as a river fills up when there is constant rain, we also need to allow ourselves to be renewed by the rain of advice from the right kind of people and also trying to learn more from others' experiences. Above all, we cannot fully function without the touch of the main Rain, GOD. When He gives us gifts and we give them back to Him, we end up growing in ways we never thought possible.

THE DRY LAND is not a place to stay in for long.. But whilst we are there, let us make the most of it.

You may have an idea you have been wanting to put into action for some time now. I humbly suggest the best day to start planting this idea ... TODAY. The day could seem dry, but who knows, you just might get enough rain for that idea to flourish.